Suneditor是一个轻量级的,灵活的,可定制的,纯JavaScript WYSIWYG文本编辑器为您的web应用程序。
SUNEDITOR.create('editor', { // plugins to load plugins: [ font, fontSize, formatBlock, fontColor, hiliteColor, align, lineHeight, horizontalRule, list, table, link, image, video, template, textStyle, blockquote, paragraphStyle, math, // You must add the 'katex' library at options to use the 'math' plugin. imageGallery ] value: '',//初始值 defaultTag: 'p', historyStackDelayTime: 400, addTagsWhitelist: '', tagsBlacklist: null, pasteTagsBlacklist: null, pasteTagsWhitelist: _editorTagsWhitelist, tagsBlacklist: null, pasteTagsBlacklist: null, attributesWhitelist: null, attributesBlacklist: null, lang: lang['en'], textTags: { bold: 'STRONG', underline: 'U', italic: 'EM', strike: 'DEL' }, formats: ['p', 'div', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'], charCounter: false, charCounterType: 'char', charCounterLabel: null, maxCharCount: null, minWidth: null, maxWidth: null, imageUploadSizeLimit: null, imageMultipleFile: false, imageAccept: "*", imageGalleryUrl: null, imageGalleryHeader: null, mode: 'classic', rtl: false, lineAttrReset: '', toolbarWidth: 'max-content', tableCellControllerPosition: 'cell', tabDisable: false, shortcutsDisable: [], shortcutsHint: true, toolbarContainer: null, stickyToolbar: 0, fullScreenOffset: '', position: null, iframe : false, fullPage: false, iframeAttributes: null, iframeCSSFileName: 'suneditor', previewTemplate: null, printTemplate: null, codeMirror: null, katex: null, mathFontSize: [ {text: '1', value: '1em', default: true}, {text: '1.5', value: '1.5em'}, {text: '2', value: '2em'}, {text: '2.5', value: '2.5em'} ], resizingBar: true, font: ['Arial', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Courier New', 'Impact', 'Georgia','tahoma', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Verdana'], fontSize: [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72], fontSizeUnit: 'px', alignItems: ['right', 'center', 'left', 'justify'], videoResizing: true, videoWidth: 560, videoHeight: '56.25%', videoSizeOnlyPercentage: false, videoRotation: false, videoRatio: 0.5625, videoRatioList: [ {name: 'Classic Film 3:2', value: 0.6666}, {name: 'HD', value: 0.5625} ], videoHeightShow: true, videoAlignShow: true, videoRatioShow: true, youtubeQuery: '', videoFileInput: false, videoUrlInput: true, videoUploadHeader: null, videoUploadUrl: null, videoUploadSizeLimit: null, videoMultipleFile: false, videoTagAttrs: null, videoIframeAttrs: null, videoAccept: "*",//'.mp4, .avi ..' audioWidth: '300px', audioHeight: default, audioFileInput: false, audioUrlInput: true, audioUploadHeader: null, audioUploadUrl: null, audioUploadSizeLimit: null, audioMultipleFile: false, audioTagAttrs: null, audioAccept: "*",//'.mp3, .wav ..' linkProtocol: null, linkTargetNewWindow: false, placeholder: null, mediaAutoSelect: true, // custom icons // { // bold: 'B', // table: '', // insert_row_above: '' // } icons: null, linkRel: [], linkRelDefault: {}, linkNoPrefix: false, hrItems: [ {name: lang.toolbar.hr_solid, class: '__se__solid'}, {name: lang.toolbar.hr_dashed, class: '__se__dashed'}, {name: lang.toolbar.hr_dotted, class: '__se__dotted'} ], imageHeightShow: true, imageAlignShow: true, imageResizing: true, imageWidth: 'auto', imageHeight: 'auto', imageSizeOnlyPercentage: true, imageRotation: false, imageFileInput: true, imageUrlInput: true, imageUploadUrl: null, imageUploadHeader: null, height: '', width: '', minHeight: null, minWidth: null, // e.g. [['#ccc', '#dedede', 'OrangeRed', 'Orange', 'RoyalBlue', 'SaddleBrown'], ['SlateGray', 'BurlyWood', 'DeepPink', 'FireBrick', 'Gold', 'SeaGreen']] colorList: null, lineHeights: [ {text: '1', value: 1}, {text: '1.15', value: 1.15}, {text: '1.5', value: 1.5}, {text: '2', value: 2} ], showPathLabel: true, resizeEnable: true, resizingBarContainer: null, popupDisplay: '', display: 'block', buttonList: [ ['undo', 'redo'], ['font', 'fontSize', 'formatBlock'], ['paragraphStyle', 'blockquote'], ['bold', 'underline', 'italic', 'strike', 'subscript', 'superscript'], ['fontColor', 'hiliteColor', 'textStyle'], ['removeFormat'], '/', // Line break ['outdent', 'indent'], ['align', 'horizontalRule', 'list', 'lineHeight'], ['table', 'link', 'image', 'video', 'audio' /** ,'math' */], /** ['imageGallery'] */ // You must add the "imageGalleryUrl". ['fullScreen', 'showBlocks', 'codeView'], ['preview', 'print'], ['save', 'template'] ] callBackSave: function(){} })API方法
var suneditor = SUNEDITOR.create('Editor'); // Copies the contents of the suneditor into a [textarea]; // Updates options suneditor.setOptions(OPTIONS); // Gets the suneditor's context object. Contains settings, plugins, and cached element objects suneditor.getContext(); // Gets the contents of the suneditor suneditor.getContents(); // Changes the contents of the suneditor editor.setContents('set contents'); // Inserts an HTML element or HTML string or plain string at the current cursor position suneditor.insertHTML('<img src="">'); // Change the contents of the suneditor suneditor.setContents('set contents'); // Switch to or off "ReadOnly" mode suneditor.appendContents('append contents'); // readOnly(value) suneditor.readOnly(value); // Upload images using image plugin editor.insertImage(FileList); // Disable the suneditor suneditor.disabled(); // Enabled the suneditor suneditor.enabled(); // Hide the suneditor suneditor.hide(); // Show the suneditor; // Destroy the suneditor suneditor.destroy(); // Open a notice area suneditor.noticeOpen('test notice'); // Close a notice area suneditor.noticeClose(); // Gets a list of images uploaded to the editor /** * { * src: imgage src * index: data index * name: file name * size: file size * select: select function * delete: delete function * } **/ suneditor.getImagesInfo();
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